Notoplax violacea
Papatua Tātua
Chiton, Girdle
This is a large flattened chiton with a wide very spongy girdle. The shell is purple with darker wedge shaped markings on the crest. The orange girdle is smooth with tufts of bristles.
They are found, often in clusters, on cobble or small boulders that are on sand or mud from the high intertidal to 20 m. They are found around NZ but are more common in the north.
The rocks and boulders are usually covered in sponges, ascidians and bryozoans, this species of chiton appears to mostly be carnivorous.
Much more common in the North, although found in North, South and Stewart Islands.
May be a carnivore on encrusting animals.
NZ Coastal Marine Invertebrates; Vol 1