Macomona liliana
Clam, Large Wedge
Clam, Tulip
Clam, Wedge
One end is rounded (anterior) whilst the posterior edge are pointed and distinctly kinked to the right. The valves have many concentric lines overlaid by weak ridges. The shell is white, but can have tints of other colours such as grey, orange or pink. It is up to 65mm shell length.
Common in the mid and low tide zones of semi-protected protected shores. It burrows in fine muddy sandy sediments.
Feeds on organic detritus within the sediment.
They can be found by looking for thin furrows that look like a birds footprint on the surface of the mud.
Part of a combined mixed species bag limit of 50 shell fish (This is a combined, mixed-species bag limit. It applies to all shellfish species not specifically named above and includes all crabs, limpets, starfish, periwinkles, whelks, barnacles and freshwater crayfish (koura).)
NZ Coastal Marine Invertebrates; Vol 1Jones, M. B., Marsden, I, D., 2005, Life in the Estuary. Canterbury University Press.