Colistium guntheri
Fish, Brill
This Fish is dark grey in colour and the margins and the fins are almost black. The outer edge of each scale is black, which give the fish it's characteristic longitudinal black lines. It has a short rostral hook (jaw).
Inhabits shallow waters, generally at depth of less than 50 m. Juveniles gather in sheltered inshore waters, such as estuarine areas, shallow mudflats and sandflats, where they remain for up to two years. Can be found in large numbers on most beaches and harbours. But more common in the North.
Small invetrebrates, such as crabs, bivalves and polychaete worms.
This is a right eyed flouder, that is both eyes are on the right hand side of the body. It is a commercial species however its resiliance is considered to be very low,as the minimum population doubling time has been shown to be more than 14 years.
More abundant in inshore waters. Very prized fish to eat. (accessed 07/02/13).
Manikiam J. S., 1969. A Guide to the flatfishes (Order Heterosomata) of New Zealand. Tuatara vol 17 (3). p 118-129.