Chauliodus sloani
Found world wide in tropical and temperate oceans. Lives very deep but moves into the upper 600m at night to feed. It is highly predatory and has a large loosely hinged jaw and predominant teeth. It’s average size is 20-30cm. It is known to be preyed upon by the Warty Squid (Onykia [was Mororteuthis] ingens).
Deep water.
Because it lives in very deep water most biology is unknown.
Deep New Zealand: Batson P
NZ Marine Fishes: Paul
G. D. Jackson, J. F. McKinnon, C. Lalas, R. Ardern and N. G. Buxton (1998) Food spectrum of the deepwater squid Moroteuthis ingens (Cephalopoda: Onychoteuthidae) in New Zealand waters, Polar Biology, Volume 20, Number 1, 56-65