Arnoglossus scapha
Fish, Cadger's
Fish, Megrim
Fish, Witch
One of only three flat fish species with eyes on the left side of the head (the others are Finless flounder (Neoachiropsetta milfordi) and Crested flounder (Lophonectes gallus)). It is a thin bodied fish with an oval outline, it averages 20-30 cm in length. There are two pelvic fins slightly sepatered from the anal fin on the lower (left) edge of the body. The lateral line forms a strong arch over the pectoral fin. The body colour is grey or pale brown, whitish on the belly, with many black or yellow spots scattered over the upper surface of the body.
The most abundant flounder in NZ waters. Found from shallow water to over 400m.
They feed mainly on worms, crustaceans and molluscs, but occasionally may eat small fish.
Spawn from August to April and have an extended planktonic life. The Maori name 'Mahue', means 'to be left behind' so the early Maori also knew it was a valueless fish for food.
Found all around New Zealand but are of no commercial value due to having very little flesh.
A Treasury of New Zealand Fishes: Graham
Collins Guide to the Sea fishes of NZ: Ayling & Cox (Accessed 13/12/10)