Phylum Nemertea
Long and slender body which narrows to the tail. Dark green to dark brown with yellow, cream or white transverse bands, which can be complete or broken. The head is oblong or spade like in shape and has a pair of white or pale furrows. There can be multiple small eyes on each side of the head.
Mid intertidal to shallow subtidal under stones or in burrows in muddy sediments or crawling among algae, hydroids, or in bottom debris.
Feeds on polychaetes and crustaceans, injects poison with a sharp stylet.
Can push out a proboscis which can be up to a third of the length of the body. When not in use it is retracted into a special chamber above the gut. When disturbed the worm twists into a characteristic spiral coil.
Coastal Marine Invertebrates Vol 1.