Gari convexa
Clam, Pink Sunset
The thin valves are an elongated oval shape and up to 60mm long. The hinge is centrally located. The surface is smooth with weak concentric lines. The valves are banded with pink to pale reddish purple on a salmon to creamy pink background. Elongated, oblong shell with thin, transluscent valves. Beaks are centrally located on the dorsal edge. Both ends of the shell are broadly rounded. The surface is smooth and has an orange-brown periostracum (skin) which is usually only on the shell edges.
Common from low tide zone to 30 m (extends to 140 m) on protected to semi protected shores. Buried 10-20 cm deep in silty to coarse sand.
Filters phytoplankton out of the water.
NZ Coastal Marine Invertebrates; Vol 1